lustystuff , looking for a hookup in Brinkley, AR

Profile Picture
Blonde 5'4'' slim (ok maybe i'd like to shed couple of lb) ample boobs, like the dirty stuff. Sexy messages get me going, have a sort of boyfriend who doesn't understand that. Have been known to make love but much prefer to fuck. If i feel horny when i get home i expect my man to perform immediately. Similarly if my man gets home and feels the need then i don't expect him to ask just take. It may mean he's gotta push a bit harder to start with but who cares at the end of the day it wont be sore for long and you're a long time dead so make the most of me!
Personal Details

lustystuff is white, 44 years old and lives in Brinkley, AR.

She is single and is 5 foot 4 inches tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and a slim petite figure.